Saint Joseph's Catholic Academy Prayer

Father in Heaven, we ask you to fill us each day with trust in you and faith in your great plan for our lives. Shed your light on the path before us and prepare us to receive every grace and blessing. Enable us to see how you are answering our prayers and help us to become a community of ever- deepening faith.

Come Holy Spirit, grant us courage and humility to trust in your word and lead others according to your will. Help us to listen to your call and guide us so that we may always be witnesses of love, faith, and purity.

Lord Jesus, we are thankful for our minds with which we discern all of your creation. We give thanks for those who have come before us and on whose shoulders’, we stand. We are also grateful for all those in our lives from whom we can learn so much. We ask for gifts of the Spirit that we may use our minds to learn, and our talents to share for your greater glory.

Finally, Lord, we ask that you guide our hearts and hands as we serve each other to build a community that willingly reaches out to others. We pray that, through this, we may serve and grow in your Kingdom through the Spirit working in us.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Saint Joseph’s Catholic Academy

901 Boalsburg Pike, Boalsburg, PA 16827
(814) 808-6118