Ensuring a positive financial future for Saint Joseph's
Financial support from donors like you is vital for the support of essential educational and extracurricular opportunities offered at Saint Joseph's Catholic Academy. Further, financial gifts improve our administration's ability provide need-based tuition assistance to students who might not be able to attend Saint Joseph's without financial support.
Saint Joseph's Catholic Academy is a 501(c) (3) public charity, and donations to Saint Joseph's are tax deductible. Click here to view and download IRS documents regarding Saint Joseph's status or contact school office at sjca@sjcacademy.org or 814-808-6118.
Where can I give?
Individuals and businesses may financially support the mission and students of our school by making financial contributions to the
Individuals and businesses may also direct their Pennsylvania-tax payments to support Saint Joseph's through the EITC program.
How Can I Give?
To make your donation online using your credit card or bank information, click on the orange button to navigate to the online donation site. You may also make your donation by check. Please submit your check made payable to "Saint Joseph's Catholic Academy" with the completed Donor Form to the school office. Including the donor form with your donation helps ensure that your gift will be properly recorded.
Individuals and businesses who would like to participate in the EITC program should contact the school office at sjca@sjcacademy.org or 814-808-6118.
Need more information?
For information about Saint Joseph's Catholic Academy and giving options contact the school office at sjca@sjcacademy.org or 814-808-6118.
901 Boalsburg Pike, Boalsburg, PA 16827
(814) 808-6118