COVID Response
The health and safety of Saint Joseph's Catholic Academy students, faculty, and staff is our school's top priority. Below is an overview of the Saint Joseph's current Health and Safety Plan. Click the orange button below to view the most recent updates and announcements.
Questions about Saint Joseph's COVID response may be directed to the school office at or 814-808-6118
General Information:
- Saint Joseph's will implement a full, in-person instructional model, five days-per-week, with physical distancing to the greatest extent possible using numerous safety precautions outlined within the plan and this notification.
- Face coverings are optional for Saint Joseph's students and school personnel as directives from the state of PA have expired or been overturned.
- Visitors are not required to wear face coverings.
- Families who have had exposure to COVID are strongly encouraged to follow published guidelines regarding testing and quarantine periods.
- Students who are absent for any reason will have access to class assignments through Google classroom.
- Virtual attendance (i.e. ZOOM) will not be required unless it is essential for an absent student to be in attendance for a class. Teachers will determine the requirements for students’ that are absent.
Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting, and Ventilation:
- Routine cleaning of all utilized spaces will be performed each afternoon. Additional cleaning will be implemented on an as needed basis.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be maintained in each entrance area, and students and staff will be encouraged to use them before entering the buildings.
- Water drinking fountains will continue to be turned off. Water filling stations will be available. Students and staff are encouraged to bring their own water bottles.
Safety Protocols:
- Beginning January 12, 2022, face coverings are not required. Masks provided by the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown are available in the school office for any student, faculty member, or visitor would like a face covering.
- Face coverings are optional for all athletic activities.
- No sharing of snacks; pre-packaged snack bags preferred.
- Per school district policy, while in district provided transportation (ie. on school bus) students must remain in their assigned seats and wear a face coverings .
Isolation and Quarantine:
Beginning on January 12, 2022, in accordance with the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, Saint Joseph's Catholic Academy's policy is as follows:
Exposure and Unvaccinated:
- Quarantine for 5 days and monitor for symptoms. If symptoms develop, restart 5 day isolation from onset of symptoms.
- Return on Day 6 with no fever and with recommended consistent mask wearing days 6-10. Continue to monitor for symptoms.
- If the exposure is to a family member that the person lives with, the quarantine period is 10 days unless the exposed person can be separated from the COVID positive patient then it is 5 days.
Exposure and Vaccinated:
- No quarantine is required. Consistent masking for 10 days is recommended and monitor for symptoms.
- For those 18 years of age and older, vaccinations need to be up to date to avoid quarantine. This includes a booster shot if needed.
- Children ages 5-17 only need the primary doses of a COVID vaccine to be considered up to date. Boosters are not required.
- Anyone who has had a confirmed COVID positive test in the last 90 days does not need to quarantine.
COVID positive Vaccinated or Unvaccinated:
- Symptomatic- 5 days isolation with a return on day 6 if symptoms are improving and the person has no fever. Recommended consistent mask wearing for days 6-10.
- Asymptomatic- 5 days isolation, monitor for symptoms and return on day 6 as long as the person is fever free. Recommended consistent mask wearing for days 6-10.
NOTE: A negative test result is not required for a student's return for any of the above scenarios.